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Better Together

How pūrākau is inspiring new ways to play in our kura 

Tamariki spend up to 15 years of their childhood in school. A person’s physical literacy evolves throughout their life, but, for young people who are building their confidence, physical competence, knowledge, and understanding and engagement in physical activities, access to quality play experiences within their local environments are crucial.

Sport Northland and Healthy Families Far North are collaborating with local kura to embrace the curious and inventive spirit of Māui. As a collective, they are exploring ways to boost physical activity, placing tamariki at the forefront of decision-making to improve the environments where they play.

Tāmokohia te whenua is an adaptation of Sport Northland’s Play on the Way, where tamariki draw from local pūrākau to design and produce play courses that are important to them.

Play Development Lead of Sport Northland, Natalie Wilcock, said the initiative is an opportunity for schools to rethink how spaces are used for play pūrākau and storytelling.

“After connecting with Healthy Families Far North, visiting rural kura and seeing how tamariki intuitively connect with places to play, we found there was another layer of how we could better support more meaningful play experiences for tamariki, by tamariki” says Natalie.

“It’s shifted the way this kaupapa is being implemented by creating spaces where they’re encouraged to move more while experiencing a greater agency and influence of tino rangatiratanga.”

One kaiako (teacher) commented on how the initiative allowed tamariki to be spontaneous. “Sometimes you’ve planned the kids so much that you’ve planned them out of the lesson. I noticed their behaviour change... they were left to work by themselves or with their friends, and they let go of their imagination."

“We had kids reciting whakapapa, others were drawing up a pig-hunting maze. It got them excited and they were motivated to play these games with their mates,” another kaiako added.

In one well-known pūrākau, Tamanuiterā, the sun was always in a hurry. Mahi such as māra kai and raranga harakeke were never finished, leaving people to eat their meals in the dark. A frustrated Māui heard the cries of his people and decided to catch Tamanuiterā. Reluctant and afraid, his brothers were quick to criticise and laugh at Māui’s proclamation but in the end they followed him, putting the needs of their people first.

Systems Innovator Rawinia Everitt said Māui is inspiring new ways to explore play in our schools. “Maui was a haututū who was willing to take risks and explore the unimaginable for his people, but he couldn’t do it on his own.”

“We want to adopt some of those traits. We want to try new things, explore opportunities with others who have the same goal and show that when we’re working together, there’s greater power sharing with our whānau and community."

It’s a demonstration of how we’re “better, together”. “Essentially, it comes down to building relationships with others who have the same vision.” Wilcock added.

A lot of our organisations have the same goal but are also working in silo. Our relationship with Healthy Families Far North is an example of how we’re better together and how we can build a future where organisations collaborate with their communities and work alongside whānau to create places which enable everyone to thrive."

Sport Northland is currently working on a blueprint to help guide schools through the process of executing Tāmokohia te whenua by taking a tuakana-teina approach that encourages capability and an increased adoption of tamariki-led innovation practices.

The plan encourages schools to connect with mana whenua, local marae and to learn the history of their rohe through movement and games.

“This is an exciting way for us to explore how community spaces and services can better prioritise conditions for whānau well-being.”

“The opportunity to work alongside Healthy Families Far North with our rural kura and tamariki has opened a whole new world for me. There’s a reciprocity of learning and upskilling, so I’m very grateful for the support and I’m excited about what this means not just for our kura in the Far North, but the potential it has for tamariki across Aotearoa.”

Shifting teacher and sports trusts ways of working to embrace Te Ao Māori through curriculum and physical activity initiatives.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to whānau, leaders, champions, change-makers, communities, and countless people who contribute to, enable, and bring the Healthy Families NZ movement to life.

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